Monday, December 14, 2009

Today's article serach hint

If you find that you have to pay for an article, take down the following info:
- Journal name
- Volume/Issue #s
- author(s)
- Title

The go to the NYPL and search under journal title.

Today's article hint

If you are in an academic search engine, and you find an article you like, check out the side column, where it says something like "related articles." The search engine wants you to buy lots of articles, so they do the search work for you, to find articles that share keywords.

Today's article search hint

If you find one article that is on target, take a look at its reference list. You might find some gems. This works best when the article is recent, since all the references will be older than the article you found.

Today's article search hint

If you are looking for experiments, type the word "abstract" after your other serach term.

On the NYPL website

On the homepage click on "Articles & Databases"
Look for Databases by location, and click on From Home

Here is a list of some search engines that might be good for you:
Academic Search Premier
Business Source Premier
EBSCOhost (which searches many other databases that are listed in this list, incl the following databases: Academic Search Premier, Alt- HealthWatch, Business Source Premier, ERIC, Health Source Consumer Edition, Health Source, Masterfile Premier, Middle Search Plus, Newspaper Source, Novelist, Primary Search, Professional Development Collection, Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection, Religion & Philosophy Collection, TOPICsearch, and more.
Facts on File History Database Center
History Resource Center
Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection

JUNIORS/SENIORS - Mentor contact sheet

Once you have an outside mentor (A scientist who researches your field of study who has agreed to be your mentor), please fill out this form so I can give you credit for having an outside mentor. Ms. Biener.


Reminder: We are now on a regular meeting schedule. Please see the meeting schedule posted on the group page. Ms. Biener.

JUNIORS & SENIORS: Groups need to meet with me

I need to meet with each group individually this week.
Reminder: All groups sticking with a question similar to last year's will be doing NYCSEF, and the deadline for your Intro & Proc are a little over a week away. Do NOT hand me the same thing from last year and expect me to give you full credit. Which reminds me, I need to see the one from last year. You may, and I prefer, if you email last year's version. (save a tree)
Ms. Biener.
Things due when I meet with you: - your schedules - your contact info in my gmail - your names & topics in my progress log - your membership in this group and J/S calendar - your notebooks - your progress

How to get a NYPL card

Some of you have said you have had trouble getting a NYPL card. This should help you.
You will all have to get New York Public Library cards, because their research resources are much better than the Queens Library's. Here's how to get one:
Go to Read the page, then apply the method that is most convenient for you. (Remember that before using the card from home/school, you must bring your card into a NYPL branch (meaning a trip to Manhattan, Bronx or SI) Note: it takes up to a month to get a card. I therefore suggest you choose the option that says pickup card at branch. You must have an ID and proof of residence (with your parents' names). Do this NOW.

Time to begin background research

Everyone must get a NYPL card.

Note you must sign up online.
You can then choose whether to get a card in the mail, or go pick it up in person.
But NOTE: EITHER WAY you will have to GO TO A NYPL BRANCH to get the card activated. So I suggest you choose the option to pick it up in person.

Go as a group, make a day of it. Go to the 42 St branch, go ice skating, go shopping. You'll thank me. Have fun!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The beginning of the NYCSEF year

It's that time of year again -- a new school year. The NYCSEF deadline is soon approaching. After a summer break, it's time to brush off the binders and notebooks, and get back to work.

In the coming week, everyone will meet with me to discuss their progress.